What are My Options for Skin Rejuvenation in Vaughan?
By the time most of us in Vaughan have reached our forties, aging skin has started catching up to us. Though we may have denied it or aged more slowly than others, it is here now for all to see. This stage of life usually sees signs of aging skin that result in less elasticity, firmness, and moisture. The forties tend to bring a significant drying effect, as well as hollowing and more prominent wrinkles, broken blood vessels, and brown spots. It is as if your skin fell apart overnight, but actually these common signs of aging were years in the making before they became evident. Many of our patients in Vaughan are learning about some incredible advances in the field of cosmetic medicine. Innovations are coming online all the time that offer a safe and effective way of minimizing signs of aging skin like lines, wrinkles, age spots, and discoloration through various skin rejuvenation treatments.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Lasers are very popular. They offer an incredibly precise skin rejuvenation treatment option for those dealing with skin problems ranging from wrinkles to acne scars. The procedure works through the directed emission of targeted laser energy beneath the surface of the skin. This prompts your body into removing this unwanted skin tissue, which leads to the formation of brand-new collagen and elastin fibers to rejuvenate your skin and minimize imperfections.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are a type of skin rejuvenation treatment that involves gently removing portions of the outer skin layer to reveal fresher skin underneath. The type that you require depends upon the severity of your skin condition and what type of treatment you are comfortable with.
A light chemical peel does not actually affect living skin tissue. Instead, it removes the outer layer of cellular debris and dirt that is blocking your skin’s natural radiance. One of the greatest advantages to a light chemical peel is that no sedation or downtime is required. As you can imagine, deeper peels go deeper and may require some downtime.
Contact Us Today
If you live in Vaughan or the surrounding area and are interested in skin rejuvenation treatments, make an appointment at Pearl MD Rejuvenation in Toronto. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!